The BSA curriculum is based on competency standards for agriculture. It emphasizes carrying out the science, art, ethics, management and entrepreneurial business in the production, processing and marketing of crops, animals and other organisms utilized for food, fiber, recreation, biomedicine, industrial and other purposes within the context of integrated and sustainable agriculture resource systems.
- Educate students in the scientific habit of thought, entrepreneurial skills and prepare them to become professionals with entry-level competencies in technical agriculture.
- Train students on the processes and techniques of identifying, diagnosing and analyzing problems; and in designing, packaging and applying technologies needed in the development and conservation of the agriculture and food system resources.
- Prepare students for careers in a variety of profession namely: research, farm management, agriculture and food technology, agri-entrepreneurship and business, and teaching.
Horticulture is the science and art of cultivating high-value crops which are typically produced on a smaller scale under intensive management. As a major, it primarily provides the technical knowledge and expertise for breeding, producing, and managing high-value crops, fruit trees, and ornamental plants. Vegetables, fruits, flowers, ornamentals, and lawn grasses are examples of horticultural crops. Knowledge in Horticulture can also be integrated with other disciplines (e.g., Landscaping, is the combined application of horticulture and artistic design.).